Thursday, 16 April 2015

Time to write!

Hi guys,
This is our last activity. We need to find the right words. To write we just need to type a letter in every box. One clue... they are little star´s friends! If you need hepl, please ask the teacher or parents.

About the sky


     Our friend Neila


     We see it at night

     The name of our planet

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Night sky

Hello kids, 

Our friend little star is going to show us a picture of the night sky. You have to look at this picture and draw how you imagine the sky at night.

Monday, 13 April 2015

The Universe

Hello again!

Now, it´s time to learn something about the Universe, listening this story very carefully and later on, we´ll talk about. 

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Colours colours!

Good morning everyone!,

Today we are going to work with colours. Are you ready?
Look at the pictures and say out loud the name of the little stars colours that we already learnt in class.

Monday, 6 April 2015

Little star´s song

Hi everybody,

Today, we are going to learn and enjoy a song: "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", easy, like the name of our creche.

Now, we are listening a second time, but we have to move our bodies!

See u next time!


Hi you´ll!

This is the Little Star´s Blog, a blog for our 3-4 years old class here in our creche in Dublin.
 Hello guys! I´m little star and I´m going to show you our activities.

We are very excited with this new project and invited everyone to participate in it. Please, enjoy and leave your comments below.
We´ll be posting our first activity very soon, stay tuned!